Does this sound familiar…
“I am using the SAME paint, the SAME film, the SAME activator, SAME water temperature…EVERYTHING IS THE SAME. So why all of a sudden does my film look under activated?!?"😫
It’s not you. It’s winter.❄️
The air this time of year can get pretty dry (chapped lips anyone?) and the resulting lower humidity levels will have a dramatic effect on the speed of your activator evaporation. Many of the active chemicals in activator that liquify your film will evaporate quicker when it’s dry then they will in more humid conditions. So what to do? 🤔 Instead of adjusting your activator gun (because it's worked perfectly up until now, right?), we suggest adding an additional pass or spraying a slower pass.
To test if you’re activating enough, first do the finger tip test on a small piece of film. After you activate the film, wait about 10-20 seconds and dip your finger onto the surface the film and pull up. 👇You should have a thread of about 2-3 inches of film (like a slimy tentacle) and then you will know it is correctly activated.
Make sure you are using the best film activator for your hydrographic dipping.